Underwater Bar (Like, You Have To Wear A Diving Helmet)

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Underwater Bar (Like, You Have To Wear A Diving Helmet)

This is a commercial for waterproof watches that envisions an underwater bar where everybody wears diving helmets and carries around drinks with super-long straws so they can snake them up to their lips. What fun! Just kidding, what watered-down drinks. Get it? WATERED down? I don't get it either but my dog told me to say it. Dammit Einstein, they didn't like it! Still, if a place like this actually existed I would be willing to visit once. "To pee in the middle of a crowd and watch people scramble away from the yellow cloud?" I've been practicing in the bathtub for years.
Hit the jump for the commercial.
Thanks to Manuel, who agrees there's no purpose drinking underwater unless there are mermaids involved.


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